Turner Syndrome can be defined as a chromosomal condition. It alters development in females.
We all know that humans have 46 chromosomes. There are two chromosomes (our sex chromosomes) that determine whether or not we become a boy or girl. Females are known to have two X chromosomes whole males have one X and one Y.
People who have Turner syndrome are missing all or part of their X chromosome. This is only found in females and in most cases they only have one X chromosome. If a person with this syndrome has both X chromosomes (XX) one will be incomplete. It is unknown which gene on the X chromosome that is responsible for most of the signs/symptoms of Turner Syndrome. This syndrome occurs in 1 in 2,000 live births. It is more common among those pregnancies that end in miscarriage or stillbirth.
If a baby survives birth a few symptoms they may encounter would be:

- swollen hands/feet
- a wide/webbed neck (extra skin on neck)
- absence of puberty:small breasts/little to no pubic hair
- shield shaped chest; broad/flat
- drooping/ dry eyes
- infertility (due to absence of ovarian function)
- no menstruation cycle
- short in height
- painful intercourse due to dry vaginal area
- blood hormone levels
- echo-cardiogram
- Kayotyping(type of blood test)
- MRI of the chest
- Ultrasound of reproductive organs/kidneys
- pelvic exam
Some complications that may occur as a result of Turner Syndrome are:
- heart defect
- middle ear infections
- scoliosis
- obesity
- kidney problems
- high blood pressure
- diabetes
- cataracts
- arthritis
- Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
This is a very sad article to read about. it is very disturbing that there is no cure with all of our medical break though. We can have operation to determine sex and everything else but we cannot control this.