Iron-deficiency anemia is when your body does not have
enough iron in it, this could be cause from someone not eating enough iron full
foods or if a person has any type of blood loss. Some of the best foods to eat
for people who have this deficiency are lots of red meat such as, beef, but
chicken and fish also works. For those
who are vegetarians there are many options for them as well such as, dark leafy
greens and tofu. People who think that they have Iron- deficiency would have
the same side effects as those explained with Anemia tiredness and headaches;
they could also have fragile nails and get infections quit often.
Usually this type of anemia
develops over time, but infants who are born underweight are more likely to get
it sooner because their bodies are smaller and they do not have as much iron in
their bodies as a baby born with an average birth weight. For those children with Iron-deficiency they
are more likely to have problems with their growth and development as they get
older. Another group of people that are
at a greater risk for the deficiency are women because each month they get
their menstrual cycle, which lead to a loss of blood in the body which brings
their iron levels down. Also if a woman
is pregnant she now has to not only worry about getting enough iron for herself
but also for the fetus, so she needs to make sure her intake is twice as much
as normal and that is hard for some women to do. If the woman does not get enough iron while pregnant
it could lead to a premature child and problems for the child.
These are the two main groups of people that are at higher
risk, but anyone could be at risk for the deficiency. Teenagers eat more junk food and do not eat enough
food with the proper nutrients so it is likely that they could get it as well
as when people get older they need to make sure they are getting enough iron
and vitamins.
People with the iron- deficiency there are several different
solutions on how to help maintain healthy iron levels. These treatments do also vary with how severe
the case is, just as any other type of Anemia.
With minor causes doctors will usually suggest a change in their diet to
make sure they are eating enough foods with a good amount of iron in them. They could also recommend a supplement which
usually comes in pill form, but could also be in shot form if it is a more
serious case. For people with severe
cases surgery or iron therapy are two of the main recommendations to try and
help them get their hemoglobin back up to produce more red blood cells.
This is just an overview of Iron-Deficiency
Anemia there is a lot more about Anemia and other types. If you would like to
learn more you can visit this site below.
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